Richard Morgan
Richard Morgan is a multi-award-winning street and social documentary photographer. He was the 2018 CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year, 2019 Sky Arts’ Master of Photography finalist, and 2020 Photographer in Residence at Benetton’s Fabrica.
Richard has worked on numerous commissions, residencies, and journalistic projects in Russia, China, Poland, USA, Italy, and the UK, where he now lives and works in London. His work has been published by The Independent, The Guardian, The Telegraph, TimeOut, and the Daily Mail.
Richard is an educator of photography and has led hundreds of photography workshops and lectures at University College London, City Academy, and on his own private courses.

Publications, Exhibitions, and Awards:
- 2018 CBRE Urban Photographer of the Year, First Prize, Overall Winner, March 2018.
- The Poles (Polacy), Exhibition of street photography from Poland, solo Exhibition, at Waterstones, Gower Street, London, 16th March – 13th April 2018.
- First Prize in Lazega Poznanska ‘Moj Autoportret’ Self-Portrait Competition, 75 Sw. Marcin, Poznan, 10 – 28th February 2018.
- ‘Looking at Strangers: Thinking about Portrait Photography’, Lecture and Workshop at University College London, Global Citizenship Programme, June 2017.
- Exhibition of ‘Beyond the Frame’ series, St. Petersburg street photography, and London street photography at A Sense of Belonging Exhibition, in connection with University College London Festival of Culture, Waterstones, Gower Street, London, 7-16th June 2017.
- ‘ULICA: A Polish Street As Seen By Aliens’ (street photography, street writing, and street painting exhibition in collaboration with Benjamin Aitken and Megan Menzies) at KontenerArt, Poznan, 3-16th June 2017.
- Exhibition of ‘Beyond the Frame’ series and ‘Bytom, 2016’ from Polish street photography project ‘Polacy’ at Touch Point Exhibition, in connection with Poznan Arts Week, Curators’ Lab, Poznan, 1-24th June 2017.
- Exhibition of St. Petersburg Street Photography, Ben Uri Gallery, London, 6-19th March 2017.
- First Prize in Ben Uri Gallery Photography Competition, Ben Uri Gallery, London, March 2017.
- Bangkok Street Photograph, The Telegraph ‘The Big Picture’ round 427, February 2017.
- ULICA Street Photography Exhibition, Tandem Studio, Poznan, January 2017.
- Exhibition of works ‘Soul’, ‘Work’, ‘Flags’, and ‘Authority’ (from the series Beyond the Frame: China upon London), Le Dame Gallery, London, June – September 2016.
- ‘Drinkers in London’ Photography Series, The Holborn Magazine, April 2016.
- Exhibition of work ‘Genesis’ (from the series Beyond the Frame: China upon London), Handmaid Exhibition for International Women’s Day, in association with Sweet’art, Hoxton Arches, London, March 2016.
- ‘Fishing for Reflections’, University College London Framed Photography Competition, London – Winner, March 2016.
- ‘Flags’, BBC In Pictures, March 2016.
- Presentation of series Beyond the Frame: China upon London, Folio Friday, The Photographer’s Gallery, London, February 2016.
- ‘Scales and Blood’, The Guardian, Travel Photography Competition – Runner Up, December 2015.
- ‘The Painter’, BBC Russian, In Pictures, November 2015.
- British Council China Scholarship, Guangzhou, March – July 2015.
- PhD: School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, February 2015.
- School of Slavonic and East European Studies Excellence Scholarship, University College London, January 2014.
- British Council Study China Award, Nanjing, March – April 2013.
- Arts and Humanities Research Council Fellowship: Library of Congress, Washington DC, November 2012 – February 2013.
- ‘Capturing St. Petersburg Street Life: a Photographic Response to the “Petersburg” Text of Russian Literature’, School Slavonic and East European Studies Research Blog, December 2012.
- Presentation of series ‘Representation of the Urban Poor’, One Day in the City Festival, University College London, June 2012.
- Exhibition of work ‘Eye Contact’, University of London Student Street Photography Exhibition, University College London, March 2012.
- University College London Travel-Committee Grant, Corsica, June – July 2011.
- Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Award, September 2010 – September 2014.